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How to land the big jobs

This documents explains the cycles careers go through and the steps you should be taking if you are in role or in between roles to get noticed more and find bigger and better opportunities.

Careers are often be said to be unpredictable. It is impossible to know what is around the corner, so careers can seem driven by chance and often feel out of control. But does it need to be this way and can you take more control? If your career does go messy, what can you do about it?  

Over the last couple of years I released the ultimate guide to CMO Headhunters and coached many executives in roles and in between roles. One of the key factors I have noticed about career progression is engagement in their career management, not just when they are ‘in between’ roles but when they are ‘in role’. 

The analogy I often use is to think of you career like spiralling road and you are a car trundling along the windy journey. Everyone's car is different, some are bright, shiny and running really well, others haven't been washed for years but are still there trundling along. There are also a few on the hard shoulder, some quickly getting back on, whilst others are waiting for the AA or RAC to turn up.

I use this analogy because active engagement in your career means you are the bright, shiny car. You get noticed and find you move from job to job. You may end up on the hard shoulder every now and again, when you hit a bump in the road (e.g. new CEO), but you get back on quickly because you are memorable and distinctive (remember Byron Sharp). You've actively managed your brand and your target audience (network) whilst ‘in role’ so get shortlisted for jobs. When ‘in between' roles you also have a warm network to pick up on so don't get stuck on the hard shoulder for long. In contrast, if you haven't polished your car so much your external image is less visible and it takes time to get noticed again. 

Active career management is explained in the document attached. This includes career spirals, the 6Rs of career management and hints and tips on what you should do in you are in role or in between roles. For more advice or insight please reach out and contact me.  

Sideminds Career Guidance

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